Little remodeling going on in the offices.
Giving it the fresh, open feeling.
Still business as usual.

About the author
Black Dog moved from Solomon’s to Kent Island, Stevensville in May 1997 into a brand new, expanded facility. As the business continued to grow so did the need for a Prop Scan® trained technician and Tim was sent to Australia for training. Tim graduated from Advanced Propeller School on March 20th 1998. In July 1998 the business changed ownership and is currently under the same owners. These have been some very significant changes along the way. In 2001 the company conceptualized a piece of scanning equipment and Terry Ryan of Propeller Dynamics built the equipment. It is a RBSMA (rotating beam suspended measuring assembly) and it is one of a kind in the world. The efficiency of working on bigger propellers 50″ and up is doubled as we do not have to move the propeller to measure or work on it as it remains stationary. The RBSMA is moved into place to measure the propeller. In 2002 the company moved into a our current location a state of the art 4,200 square foot facility with 5 overhead cranes/lifts and purchased a Dynamics Research soft bearing dynamic balancer. In 2005, in conjunction with Veem Engineering Group, Black Dog Propellers signed an exclusive supply agreement with Viking Yacht Company. To this day we supply all inboard propellers to Viking Yachts. Experience counts as we have over 38 Prop Scan® years combined in the shop. We learned never to say never, but there isn’t much we haven’t seen as far as repairing propellers goes